"I am a programmer, technology show host and a cosplayer."
Let's look at my stats.
Press Release: Inducted into Marquis Who's Who Biographical Registry
apps created
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Heart beats (to date)
Since the Internet was born I have been designing websites. Fully interactive and turn key.
The smart phone was invented in 2007. I have been designing applications since then with over 100 to date.
I host User Friendly and am the Technology Expert for KPAM / Salem Media Radio
Have a tech idea? Let's talk!
I offer independent HIPAA and PCI certifications of software and onsite locations. In addition I am an AWS specialist.
Let me help with the management of your development project.
Please touch or click a project to view it.
Airing weekly with User Friendly 2.0 and Tech Wednesday. Also a commentator on other radio shows, including Smart Money and others. 2013-2024
Designed and programmed the kiosk system for the Phase of the Moon project. This was on display in the Sterling Air and Space Museum from 2012 through 2016.
Post Drive Baptist Church
This is a WordPress project that involved a custom designed template and site. Completed March 2017.@sikkensw on twitter
Author and Host
I am an Honorably Discharged United States Army Veteran having reached the rank of E-5, casino professional, and UNLV MHA Graduate.
My start was in desktop software in the 1990's in Turbo Pascal. Since then I have keep up my experience in modern design. From the correct use of white space to providing content in a usable way I am able to deliver. .
I have designed and produced software for many small businesses up to Fortune 500's including Wells Fargo Bank and the Smithsonian. In addition to standard desktop applications I have created touch screen kiosks, reservation systems and many other cloud based solutions.
My radio and television experience with technology presentations began in 2013 on PBS Radio. From there I have been asked to appear and present on all the major networks on a variety of technology topics.
After appearing for a year on the Dan Mason show on KOH Radio I began to host "User Friendly" which is now in it's fourth season. I am also the CBS/KXL tech expert on Fridays on KXL Radio in Portland, Oregon.
I offer independent certifications on HIPAA and PCI compliance. This can save you on costs and is good to let your customers know their data is safe.
I am certified by Microsoft, Amazon, Udemy, the Webmaster Association and others. I am proud to be a 5 year member of IEEE.
Over the years I have been proud to receive a number of awards and recognitions for my work. .
These include Soroptimist International, Jelastic's most interesting developer, the Freemasons, Knight Templar, Who's Who International and others.